
First Post...So Lets Talk About Context.

Hi guys! This is Jen. I am a senior in high school, and this blog has just become my outlet. I have a million ways to cope and the majority of them have to do with food and lack there-of.

I have been diagnosed with an eating disorder, severe anxiety, panic disorder, major depression syndrome, post concussive disorder, mood disorder, and digestive disorder in a span of about 6 years (with the eating disorder being the first to come and the digestive the last...hmmm.... interesting...). I am on a lot of medications, but I don't have much choice in the matter so, BRING IT ON!

So as you can see, I need an outlet. I am a christian and that is not just a label to me. It is not about religion, but relationship. And God has changed me. If it was up to me, I would have been dead 5 years ago, but God keeps showing me that He loves me even when I don't love myself. He is overall my greatest outlet, and my only hope. This blog will be my process with healing from these disorders, being a christian woman, and being just a flat out woman ( a friend, a daughter, a sister, and girlfriend )!

I am not an incredibly 'EMO' kid.... even tho this blog so far has shown otherwise! =] I love people, and I generally love my life. I just have a lot of opinions, and a greatttt need to post and sort through my life. I just want to get through it all, and I believe journalling is suchhhh therapy!

So here we go... this is the journal to my heart!!!

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