
how long does cocaine last in your system?

i just want to point out one very strong fact about this blog. it is not called, "warm and fuzzy things that people want to hear" or "compliments to people who screw me over" and theres not a comment button for a reason. if you have a problem with my blog you come to me. comments are non personal. if you want to read a blog that isnt dripping with sarcasm... i think theres a button on the top that brings you to another blog.
i am using this blog to vent. i am using it to keep me sane. i write about whatever comes to mind. and you can call me rude, but im just being real.
if you are sensitive to how i feel about you, than i wouldnt read this.
in general, i love people. but if you dont know me or talk to me on a regular basis...than this blog wont tell you shit about me.
sewwwww if this hasnt weeded out any readers... i dont know what will.
and im fine if no one read this... its not for anyone else but myself. but the people that read it and like it, im glad i can help out.

ill keep this one short and sweet.
libby- you are a sweetheart
Ellie- you really are so much better than what you give yourself credit for.
kendra- you are a saint. no joke. you have done so much in my life and i dont think i could ever repay you
Bittner- your so funny. and i love you. penis.
Allison- you balance me out.
taylor- you are so pretty. work things out with sam.
sam- i wish i could see you more.
Aj- your a bitch. jk. your cool beans. and i trust you.
joh- you can be so chill. thanks for that.
addy- you brighten my life!
jay- you are my favorite in this entire world. i would totally die for you. no hesitation. your the funniest person i know.
tyler- im not into you, your a great guy but im just not into you.
hunter- im glad we are friends, i just am busy a lot of the time its really not an insult to you.
kurt- im glad you love me, and you are a great friend to me, have fun in australia. hah find a nice girl that doesnt do the same things you do. hahaha
a-train- i know you only hit on me when kara doesnt give you attention. but your still a cool kid.
caleb - im glad we are going to u of m together. dont be creepy tho.

hahah okay so now that i told you how i really feel about you... we can get on with the purpose of this blog. me venting. and you living your own life.

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